Those of you who follow my regular blog know this already, but two SJ-related pieces of news went up today!

First, I’ve been named Guest of Honor for Confuzzled 2011 in Manchester, UK! This is the second time I’ve been GoH for anything and will be the first time I’ve ever traveled outside the US, so I’m quite chuffed (to use the local lingo). Thanks, CF! It means a lot to me! 🙂

Second, a new short story featuring Squash and Stretch, Private Investigators, has been submitted for hopeful inclusion to Roar, Vol. 3, and its chances look pretty good. Assuming all goes well, start looking for that to become available late this year or early next.

More bulletins as events warrant. 🙂 And you can always find out what I’m up to at

-The Gneech

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