Hello, all! Sorry for the extended quiet, but Lord of the Rings Online and My Little Pony have been eating my brain. But! Here’s some news…

If you contributed to the Kickstarter project and have not yet gotten your books, chances are they’re in this batch that I am now sending out. There are a few people who are not yet going to receive theirs because I need more information from them — I will be contacting those people directly in the next couple of days.

The books are up on Amazon, but honestly I’d prefer you didn’t buy them there because I don’t see as much of the profit that way. I will have a link up sometime this week where people can order them directly from GnomeCo Publications. 🙂

In the next couple of weeks, I expect to be a lot more active here as I ramp up for Dragon*Con and Intervention. I have some sketches I’ve been meaning to scan for a while now, and I hope to do some actual art in the near future as well, assuming the summer heat doesn’t bake my brain any further.

That’s all for now, catcha later!

-The Gneech

Discussion (2) ¬

  1. Wyldkat

    Link? Need an idea of how many pennies to scrap together.

    • The Gneech

      They will run for $30 each or $75 for the set, full color. 🙂 I will try to have the link up this weekend. Thanks!
