Hey, new readers and returning friends! ^.^ It occurred to me that some of you might not be aware of things I’ve got going on currently or what I’ve been up to since Suburban Jungle finished, so I figured I’d post some links here for you to check out.

  • Gneech.com — This is my “official” site, with my fiction, ongoing projects, and random fits of geekiness. It also contains all the links here and probably more. 🙂
  • My LiveJournal — I don’t care if it’s so 2001, LiveJournal is still the best social/blogging platform in my opinion, and it’s also pretty much my online home, so there are more “personal” posts there as well as my “is srs bizness” posts.
  • @the_gneech on Twitter — WARNING: I’m a chatty guy and will fill your feed with links, retweets, and silliness. Don’t follow me unless you like a talky feed.
  • My DeviantArt Page — I post art pieces fairly regularly here. Lately they’ve been largely in the vein of MLP:FIM fanart, but there’s also commissions and generalized art (not always furry) here. Suburban Jungle cast members have been known to pop up from time to time. 😉
  • My FurAffinity Page — This is all furry art, usually mine, occasionally commissions I’ve picked up from other artists (always labeled as such). SJ cast members and ponies abound.
  • My Google+ Page — I don’t use this one as much as the others, but I occasionally post here.
  • My Facebook Page — I’ll admit it: I hate Facebook. But there are people who will only go there, for reasons I cannot fathom, so I have set up a page that pulls from my LJ and Twitter accounts, so you can follow me there if desired. Just be warned, I probably won’t see it if you respond or mention me there. 🙂
  • E-Mail? — Yup, I do that too. 🙂

Hope to see you around! 🙂 I love to hear from folks, so do say hello!

-The Gneech

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Discussion ¬

  1. Robin Andersen

    hey, remember me? married to Kimba W. Lion? I’m sorry to tell you this, he died on October 22, massive heart attack. I have started to track down people he knew to break the news to them…
    *wipes away tears*

    I still don’t believe it…