KarmaKat Commish 1/4 by the-gneech on deviantART It’s all deep and philosophical and stuff. “Commission on Demand” Patreon reward. -The Gneech
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Posts Tagged ‘Leonard Lion’
Tiffany's Dream, Revisited (RedLiox Commission) by the-gneech on deviantART Proof that it doesn’t take me a year to finish commissions, it just feels like it does, this is commish 3/3 for RedLiox, who asked me to revisit this strip: https://suburbanjungleclassic.com/?p=65 …but bring it up to date. So here we are, almost exactly 15 years later… […]
Redliox Commission — Origin Story by ~the-gneech on deviantART First October commish out the door! RedLiox asked for a Suburban-Jungle-strip-style explaining just what a “liox” was. Here you go, dude! Hope you like it! 🙂 -The Gneech